
Info Inlet

Terms and Conditions


To build amazing applications with Info Inlet, you'll need a free account. Just keep your login information safe, as you're responsible for everything that happens under your account (think "acting responsibly"). Info Inlet lets you create apps for your clients, but remember to use it for good! Avoid illegal activities, inappropriate content, or anything that wouldn't fly with your mom. Let's keep Info Inlet a positive and productive space!

a. Account Security

Info Inlet prioritizes security! To access the platform, create a unique username and password (login credentials) and keep them a secret – don't share them with anyone. Your account is for you only, so report any suspicious activity immediately. You're responsible for safeguarding your login information, and Info Inlet can monitor account usage. They might suspend your access if unauthorized use or agreement violations are suspected. Using one login for multiple people might incur extra fees. Remember, keeping your account secure and using Info Inlet responsibly is key!


Info Inlet aims to be there for you whenever you need it (24/7/365). They work hard to keep the platform up and running, but sometimes things happen that are out of their control. This could include power outages, natural disasters, or even internet service provider issues. They'll also need to take the platform offline occasionally for scheduled maintenance. But don't worry, these disruptions are usually short-lived!

a. Platform Availability

Info Inlet aims to be there for you whenever you need it (24/7/365). They work hard to keep the platform up and running, but sometimes things happen that are out of their control. This could include power outages, natural disasters, or even internet service provider issues. They'll also need to take the platform offline occasionally for scheduled maintenance. But don't worry, these disruptions are usually short-lived!

b. Security Measures

Info Inlet use top-notch security practices (like industry standards) to protect the platform, your application, and all the content you upload (Direct User Content). This means keeping everything secure and preventing unauthorized access – like a high-tech vault for your online creations!

5. Info Inlet Platform and Direct User Content

The content and how your applications operate are entirely your responsibility. This includes what people do while using your site. If you allow users to create accounts or upload content, your terms of service should be just as protective of Info Inlet as these terms are. Think of it as setting ground rules for your site.

a. User Content Responsibility

The content on your Info Inlet platform, including what users upload, is your responsibility. This means you're in charge of everything that happens there. Make sure your terms of service are fair and protect Info Inlet like their terms do. Info Inlet can remove any content that breaks the rules.

b. Access to User Content

Info Inlet may need to access your content in some situations. This could involve legal requirements, enforcing their terms, responding to user complaints, or protecting everyone's safety. Basically, they can peek under the hood if needed, but they'll do so responsibly.

6. Proprietorship

While you get to use the Info Inlet platform to build things, Info Inlet itself remains their property. This includes the platform, instructions (Documentation), and any improvements they make (Updates).

a. Ownership

The stuff you create on your application is yours! This includes the content itself, the design, and even the workflow you build. You can reuse this content anywhere you like (except for Buyer Reviews).

b. Anonymous Data

Info Inlet collects anonymous data about how people use the platform (installation, registration, performance). This helps them understand what works well, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately make Info Inlet better for everyone. They don't collect any personal information or data from your application's visitors (End User Information) in this process. This anonymous data might be used to create reports or improve Info Inlet's features.

c. Trademarks and Branding

Both you and Info Inlet keep ownership of your respective logos, names, and branding (your "Marks"). You grant Info Inlet limited permission to use your Marks on the platform for identification purposes as long as they follow your usual guidelines. However, you can't use Info Inlet's brand (their "Marks") for your own marketing or to make it seem like you're officially partnered with them (beyond being a customer). Basically, respect each other's brands!

d. Feedback

If you have suggestions or feedback for Info Inlet or their platform, feel free to share them! By doing so, you're giving Info Inlet permission to use your ideas in any way they see fit, without any obligation to you.

7. External Materials

Info Inlet might offer content or services from other companies (third parties) for your convenience. While they're there for you to explore, Info Inlet isn't responsible for their stuff. Be sure to check those third parties' terms before using their services.

a. Third-Party Services

Info Inlet works with other services (third-party services) that you can connect to your applications. You're responsible for following their terms of use, and Info Inlet isn't accountable for their performance. The good news? Info Inlet will try to keep things compatible so you can connect these services easily.

b. Third-Party Content

Sometimes, Info Inlet might show content from other sources (third-party content). While they try their best, Info Inlet can't guarantee its accuracy. If something seems wrong or violates the rules, Info Inlet might remove it without warning.

8. Fees

Info Inlet subscriptions require upfront payment via credit card and will automatically renew until you cancel. Sales tax may apply depending on your location. They use Stripe for secure payments, so you'll need to agree to Stripe's terms as well. Basically, pay in advance, use it until you don't need it anymore, and cancel whenever you want.

a. Subscription Details

While the basic Info Inlet platform is free, some cool features require a paid subscription (plan). You can find details on available plans, features, and prices on their website https://infoinlet.com.

b. Subscription Payments

Info Inlet subscriptions automatically renew at their current price until you cancel. When you subscribe, you authorize them to charge your payment method at the start of each billing period. If a payment fails upon renewal, you'll have 15 days to settle the dues or risk terminating your subscription. Remember: You can avoid unwanted charges by canceling your subscription before renewal.

c. Cancellation Policy

No worries if you decide Info Inlet isn't for you! You can cancel your subscription anytime:

  • Visit the "Plans and Billing Information" section in your account settings.
  • Contact the Info Inlet Help Center.
Here's the breakdown:
  • Monthly subscriptions can be canceled anytime.
  • Yearly subscriptions automatically renew, but you can cancel before the anniversary of your signup date.
Important: Once you cancel, you'll lose access to paid features and any custom domain connected to your account.

d. Taxes

Taxes (if applicable) will be added to your Info Inlet subscription fee. You're responsible for any withholding taxes.


Info Inlet and you agree to protect each other's sensitive information and only use it for what's necessary according to this agreement.

a. Confidentiality Obligations

Both you and Info Inlet agree to keep each other's private information confidential (like trade secrets or secret plans). This includes things marked "confidential" and anything else that should obviously be kept secret based on its nature. The platform details, instructions (Documentation), and data on how people use the platform (Usage Information) are all considered Info Inlet's confidential information.

b. Use of Confidential Information

Limited Use: You and Info Inlet can only use each other's confidential information for what's required by this agreement and their privacy policy. Need-to-Know Basis: Only people who absolutely need access to confidential information can see it, and they must also keep it confidential. Safeguarding Information: Both you and Info Inlet will keep confidential information as secure as you do your own important secrets.

c. Exceptions

There are a few exceptions to what's considered confidential:

  • Information that's already public or becomes public later on (not your fault).
  • Information you learn legitimately from someone else who isn't bound by secrecy.
  • Things you figure out yourself without using confidential information.
  • Anything the disclosing party says is okay to share freely.
Also, if a court order or law requires disclosure, you can share confidential information, but you should try to let Info Inlet know first and see if you can work together to limit what gets revealed (at Info Inlet's expense).


You can cancel anytime by stopping your subscription and no longer using Info Inlet. They can also terminate the agreement if you break the rules (including not paying).

a. Duration

This agreement applies for as long as you use the Info Inlet platform.

b. Termination by Info Inlet

Info Inlet can Terminate Your Account:

  • If your payment fails.
  • If you break the rules in a major way.
  • If the law forces them to.
They'll try to avoid it, but they won't be responsible if they have to terminate your account. The good news is, if they shut down the platform due to legal reasons and you prepaid for a subscription, they'll give you a refund for the remaining unused time.

c. Canceling Your Info Inlet Subscription

No worries if Info Inlet isn't for you! You can cancel your subscription anytime:

  • Visit the "App Plan" tab in your app editor.
  • Click "Update Plan" and choose the Free plan.
Once your subscription ends, this agreement won't apply to you anymore unless you decide to use the platform's free version again.